nuclear spring
nuclear spring is a post-apocalyptic survival board game focused on crafting items with resources you gather, and conspiring with your co-players to complete goals.
my personal role in this project pertained mostly to the art direction and cultivation of a visual culture, assets, and overall project vision, as well as the project branding.
nuclear spring was a collaborative project between myself, justice dunne, and kat higgins. it was completed for emil polyak’s game design studio in fall 2017.
much of nuclear spring’s gameplay is procedural; players explore a randomly picked terrain composed of five unique environments, each of which has a unique array of resources to be gathered and a variety of random events that can happen as the players move through the world. risk and reward are the cornerstones of nuclear spring.
nuclear spring is also an experiment in cross-platform translation of mechanics; specifically, we were interested in implementing a free-form crafting system.
“improvised crafting” focuses on player conversation. players can create any items they think of, using any of their gathered resources, as long as their co-players let them do so!
nuclear spring also has a hybrid element, and has a companion app component that tracks several things, such as day/night, a player’s strength and speed, and generates random events.